16 And behold, a man came up to him, saying, “Teacher, what good deed must
I do to have eternal life?” 17 And he said to him, “Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only one who is good. If you would enter
life, keep the commandments.” 18 He said to him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, “You shall not
murder, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not bear
false witness,19 Honor your father and mother, and, You shall love your neighbor as
yourself.” 20 The young man said to him,
“All these I have kept. What do I still lack?” 21 Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will
have treasure
in heaven; and come, follow me.”22 When the young man heard this he went away sorrowful,
for he had great possessions.
23 And Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly, I say to you, only with difficulty
will a rich person enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a
camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”
Some days ago I visited the city of Tarapoto and the areas around in the highlands of the
jungle in Peru, where I was invited to a wedding of a dear friend, and also to
preach the word in a church in that place, I really had a wonderful time there,
in the middle of my visit I held very good conversations with some brothers in
the church, one of the topics I remember the most is when they telling me about
a pastor who had been investing time visiting
a person who used to attend a church but
eventually gave up and did not want to continue attending to church nor the
gospel, so the pastor decided to stop spending his time with this man, that situation caused many questions between
the Christian community and also curiosity within the brotherhood of that church,
their main thing was, as a pastor he shouldn’t have stopped investing time with that man, if Christ
does not give up on us why should we?, they were thinking the pastor was wrong
for not trying to continue dealing with that man who was in apparent need for Christ,
I did not get to know the whole details in that situation so I could not give a
very deep advice in the matter, but I could
only share the story of the rich young
man written in the book of Matthew
chapter 19 of the Bible, a story that happened to Jesus, and I'd like to share
this story to you and also some thoughts
about the matter.
It really strikes me the way how the rich young man approached Jesus, -what good deed must I do
to have eternal life?”- he asked, At
first this kind of question it is not
bad isn’t it?, it is a kind question that every good Christian at some point
did ask, in fact you would think that the motivation behind, it is good; Jesus
knowing the heart of this young man replied: - keep the commandments-, the young man said
to him -that he had kept it all from his youth- (meaning I’m a good person who
fulfills the law, I deserve eternal life), Jesus who understood his heart from
the beginning, added this, -that he should sell all he had and give to the
poor-, but Jesus did not just stop there because helping the poor is not but an
act of philanthropy, generosity that we all should do but that’s not what will change our lives, the key is
what Jesus said next: "Come, follow me", while the rich young
man heard this the Bible tells us that the rich young man was sorrowful because
he had great possessions, then Jesus added a sentence talking about how
difficult it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Some things here
that call my attention:
Ø Something that strikes me in
general about the story is how Jesus the Good Shepherd who lays down his life
for the sheep, the one who is able to leave the 99 sheep in order to go find
the one that is lost of 100 , seeing the reaction and the deep sadness of
this rich young man, and seeing him to leave, Jesus did not say a word to him,
not at all, he did not call him, or said try again. I personally in a similar situation I had walked up to him
and had said : Wait do not go, be still, well maybe this way is very
difficult for you why don’t you try this different way, or perhaps you
will gradually get there and will reach the goal, do not go, be still, but
Jesus, Jesus did not flinch, just let him go, and actually he began to
teach about this, the question then is why? What was it, that made Jesus
to let the rich young man go? And if so will be there any situations in
our lives where the Lord would let us go? And these are my possible
explanations to those questions:
1. When the young man
approached Jesus the first thing he asked is: what good deed must I do to have eternal life?
I think his motivation was, how can I continue having
the kind of life I have here, in eternity? I have many things I need a guarantee
that I will have it in eternity too, his central subject was the eternal life,
he wanted the eternal life and that was it, the issue of being with Jesus was
not important to him at all. It was not necessary if he could have eternal
life; then you wonder, what is wrong
with thinking about eternal life? we all have to wonder about that eventually,
and that's true, all Christians should ask for eternal life, but our main focus
is Jesus and not only eternal life, we have to be with Jesus having a
relationship with him, what we will do in eternity is to continue our
relationship with Jesus adore and praise him for eternity, but meanwhile,
this time is our preparation and let us call it "practice" here on
earth, today and now, but if the grounds of your heart are not focus on Jesus,
it is kinda useless for you to think or yearn about eternity, because at
the end what will we face there in eternity will be a complete picture of what we do today, to be with Jesus, worship Jesus, and to live
for him. For the rich young man (like
many people today), his concerns was to live well in eternity, have good
insurance that guarantees comfort, wealthy live, the guarantee that all he had
in this life will be given to him in eternity too, that’s why he had to do
works, “keeping the commandments”, for him the sanctification process did not
matter, that’s what was important for him: to ensure eternal redemption.
Christians have been redeemed, so there is no condemnation and we are
destined to live in eternity, but yet we still live in this world and we must
live as worthy representatives of Christ on earth in this process of daily dependence on God, His word and
power of Holy Spirit; that is what is called sanctification, we do not based on our works but it is very
important to have a look in our deeds, our actions, our ways of living, the rich
young man all he cared about was getting there, eternity and he would do what
he would consider necessary, fulfill the commandments. I’m not trying to say
here that we shall live by works, but what i am trying to say is that as
believers we do live by faith and our faith will produce works, we don’t live
by works, our faith will produce works. For us is not only important our goal(heaven,
eternity), for us is also important the process to get there(sanctification),
living a life being a witness of Christ on earth.
2. Jesus who knew his
heart, tried to explain: yeah that's
good(it is a good thing to keep the commandments), it is necessary to fulfill
the word of God and be worthy ambassadors of Christ here on earth, but Jesus
added: something else you need to do: -go and sell what you have and give it to
the poor-, in this matter I would say I believe that the issue here is not
about money and possessions, but what it does represent, for this rich young
man, possessions were his idol, and what
he had inside his heart instead of Jesus, and that was enthroned in his heart,
that was the thing he would care about, he was not interested in Jesus at all, that's why he approached
Jesus asking what good deed must I do to have eternal life?, he never
approached him and asked: what can I do to be with you? seeing this Jesus tries
to help, he opened his heart and gave him the secret saying; -come and
follow me-, (He had said the same thing
to his disciples and they followed him, and even though they often turned away
from him, and they failed many times but Jesus
never let them alone, and never gave up on them) the young man listening
to this, became sorrowful, and he walked away sad, He never cared of being
with Jesus, he was careless about Jesus,
for him his main subject was the eternity and how he could keep his
possessions in eternity. He was not interested in Jesus at all.
3. Jesus who knew his
heart, He simply let him go; regardless of which church or ministry you are
involved in or attend, if your motivation is not to be with Jesus, He will
simply let you go, the Bible states that who finds the son has found life,
it was to be with Jesus that had changed
the disciples, Jesus once said, "Already you are clean because of
the word that I have spoken to you." it was the presence of Jesus, being
with Jesus, what had changed sinners, publicans and bad people lives, it
is the presence of Jesus in your life what will change you. It is
necessary along with the story of the rich young man to analyze our motivation
about why we do approach the gospel, the
essence of the gospel is Jesus. We are called to live lives for him, in the
process of daily sanctification in total
dependence on God, the Holy Spirit and His word, with the Lordship of
Jesus in our lives.
4. We must do what the
rich young man didn’t, to follow Jesus. Today, so many people come to the
gospel with many misconceptions; we must return to the roots and get close to
Jesus, he is the one who will provide whatever else you need, he is the
good shepherd who cares for his sheep. The young man rejected Jesus and did not
want to be with him, He did not contemplate the idea of being with Jesus, so
Jesus let him go without hesitation, he did not persuade him to stay, just let
him go, that situation might also happen to us if our motives are different to
what it should.
In conclusion to finish with this story about this pastor I was talking
about in the beginning of this lecture when he decided to stop investing time
and visiting this man who used to be a
frequent visitor to church, I could say
if the motivations of this man were the
same as the rich young man, and like Jesus the pastor saw the same
pattern, I believe what the pastor did
It was the best he could do, the Bible says whoever would draw near to
God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek
him. Because we have free will, God in His everlasting love has given us
the power to choose to seek for him, then let us draw near with confidence to
the throne of grace to find mercy and grace to help in time.
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